Donation of prevention supplies – Hospital Authority

Donation of prevention supplies – Hospital Authority
Donated Amount: $185,212

The COVID-19 has spread out around the world, and even local public hospitals have insufficient protective equipment. Earlier, the Hospital Authority stated to the public that the central stock was only enough for one month, which caused concern about the insufficient for healthcare workers. The chance of infection is increased when they need to work under inadequate protective equipment, which threaten their safety and health.


In view of this, we purchased 748000 surgical gloves in Thailand, and donated to Hospital Authority. We hope to provide support to the healthcare workers who have been struggling on the front line and work hard to serve the Hong Kong citizens. Our Founder Dr. So Chi Ming, Permanent Honorary President Mr. Sun Kwok Wah Peter MH, Mr. Wong Hin Shek Hans, Vice Chairman Mr. So David Tat Man David was attended the gratitude ceremony held by the Hospital Authority on 23th April,2020, we fully felt the selfless spirit of the healthcare workers, and sincerely thank for their contribution.